For the first time in nearly 20 years, high school basketball returned to the old gym at Johns Creek School.
It was an amazing environment for a high school basketball game. Johns Creek had a near-capacity crowd Saturday night to watch a classic district matchup between Pike Central and Phelps.
Johns Creek principle Chad Thompson: “I really thought it was great for the kids to be able to play in that type of atmosphere. It was fun to see a high school game back on the campus of JC. It really seemed as if everyone enjoyed it.”
“This couldn’t have happened without the cooperation of Gary Fields, Steven Taylor and the PC community.”
“Thanks to my team at JC. They worked very hard to have the facility ready for the game. I appreciate everyone that came out.”
The hundreds of fans in attendance were loud, standing and cheering from tipoff to the final buzzer.
The game was close throughout with Pike Central pulling away at the end for a 57-52 win.
Thompson told All Kentucky Sports, this is something they would like to try and schedule again in the future.
Starting lineups:
A photo gallery will be posted shortly.